Icon In The News

Icon Solutions begins functional testing with EBA Clearing’s RT1 platform

Date: 4th August 2017

London, 4th August 2017 – Icon Solutions, a leading provider of technology solutions and instant payments consultancy, today announces the start of functional testing between the Instant Payments Framework (IPF) and RT1, EBA Clearing’s pan-European infrastructure solution for the processing of SEPA instant payments. Icon are amongst the first to initiate testing and start moving towards ensur...

Icon’s Director of Services, Darren Capehorn to speak at Payments International 2017

Date: 3rd August 2017

Icon's Director of Services, Darren Capehorn is scheduled to speak at Payments International on Thursday 14th September 2017. Darren will be presenting 'Instant Payments - it's not all about speed...or consumers' and will focus on the features of instant payments that drive strong use cases for businesses. Specifically, Darren will share his views on why Europe should take the US's lead and ...

Icon Solutions completes connectivity testing between IPF and TCH’s Real-time Payments system.

Date: 31st July 2017

  London, 27th July 2017 – Icon Solutions, a leading provider of technology solutions and real-time payments consultancy, today announces the completion of connectivity testing between its Instant Payments Framework (IPF) and The Clearing House’s (TCH) new payments infrastructure, which is being created to support the need for US financial institutions to clear and settle payments in r...

Icon announces charitable donations totalling £62,000

Date: 13th July 2017

  London, July 13th 2017 - Icon Solutions, an independent award-winning payment and specialist technology company, has donated £62k during the last 12 months in charitable programmes around the world supporting health, education, poverty and the environment. Many of these charitable contributions are aimed at supporting communities and empowering individuals with the necessary tools, skills...

Finextra interviews Richard Dear on the consequences of PSD2 on the payments landscape

Date: 26th June 2017

London, EBAday 2017,  Finextra     Finextra interviews Icon's Richard Dear on the Ovum research “Instant Payments and the Post-PSD2 Landscape” as well as the challenges banks are facing when planning and implementing instant payments solutions and PSD2. In this interview, Richard also identifies what new products and services will be seen as a result. If you would like a cop...

Finextra interviews Richard Dear on implementing instant payments

Date: 22nd June 2017

London, EBAday 2017,  Finextra     Finextra  interviews Icon's Richard Dear regarding financial organisations seeking to move to instant payments. In this interview, Richard identifies some of the key challenges involved and how these might be resolved. http://youtu.be/6qGORYVvXls -END-  Media Enquiries  Icon Solutions CCgroup for Icon Solutions Abbie...