Video – Instant Payments: ça marche!

As part of Icon’s continued efforts to support the adoption of Instant Payments across the Eurozone, we were invited to present our thoughts and expertise on Instant Payments to a wide audience of French financial institutions at DXC’s FinTech event in Paris.
Technology advancements, cost savings, consumer demand and competitive landscape are the stand-out drivers for most technology adoption, and Instant Payments are no exception. There is no Instant Payments mandate in France which typically means the larger and more tech courageous banks are taking the lead and in turn creating a stronger business case for others to follow.
The handful of largest banks in France account for 90% of transaction volumes so you can expect to see a staggered approach from the rest of the industry. I therefore shared a broad view on the context and drivers for Instant Payments along with the wider benefits and opportunities that early adoption can offer in a fast-changing financial landscape.
I also demonstrated how IPF offers the perfect solution in such a market situation and how we can ease the pressure of costs, timescales and capability especially as time is of the essence. Watch the video (in French) to find out more.