Icon supports reforestation programme in France

Icon Solutions is proud to be supporting Sylvair, an organisation focused on offsetting carbon emissions through reforestation projects in France. Reforestation is an effective mitigation strategy to not only fight global warming but also the erosion of biodiversity. Sylvair, which was established recently, rehabilitates unused forest lands and provides long-term forest management to maximise CO2 absorption.
Sylvair is PEFC (Programme de Reconnaissance de Certification Forestière) compliant and provides partners with an end-to-end service:
- Identifying plots corresponding to carbon offsetting needs
- Ensuring the plantation and long-term forest management meet the best ecological standards
- Providing detailed reports on the realised carbon offset
Icon Solutions has sponsored two plots, an area of 1.25 hectares in the Vaux En Beaujolais (Rhône) region, with planting due to start later this year. Of the sponsorship Darren Capehorn, Icon’s Director of Services, said “Being a CarbonNeutral® Company, we are committed to offsetting our carbon footprint by supporting a number of different projects across the world – offsetting 1,000 tonnes last year alone. Forests are the best and most cost-efficient method for combating CO2 emissions and we are delighted to be supporting Sylvair in their efforts.”
Vincent Querette, founder of Sylvair added “Thanks to Icon Solutions’ sponsorship, Sylvair will rehabilitate abandoned forest plots by planting more than 1,500 deciduous trees, leading to a strong carbon offset. We will follow this plantation very closely for the next few years, providing Icon with regular information on the project’s evolution and the contribution it has made to combating CO2 emissions.”
For more information on Sylvair and the sponsorship opportunities available, please visit www.sylvair.fr or email contact@sylvair.fr.