Icon to host PSD2 Payments Workshops in Budapest

We’re delighted to have been invited by the Hungarian Banking Association to present at their PSD2 Payments Workshop on Monday 12th December 2016 in Budapest, Hungary.
At the event, we’ll be covering two key topic areas:
- Overview of Regulatory Technical Standards: Secure Customer Authentication
- PSD2 Roadmap: Threats, Opportunities and Implementations
We will also be hosting one to one meetings on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th December in Budapest. These meetings will be an opportunity to discuss both PSD2 and instant payments in more detail as well as providing an opportunity to view a demonstration of our Instant Payments Framework (IPF).
IPF is real-time payments orchestration engine and is a revolutionary solution to accelerating the transition to instant payments without the need for re-engineering existing payment schemes.
For more information about the event or to arrange an IPF demonstration with the Icon team please contact jeremy.bliss@iconsolutions.com.