Technology Transformation

Are your legacy technologies consuming budget, increasing risk, and blocking change?

Traditional banks and financial institutions are competing in an increasingly crowded market with disruptive, agile neo-banks and FinTechs.

Commercial pressures are therefore growing – banks must do more with less, so savings must be maximised – but growing operational and business risks must also be addressed, including the inability to meet business requirements due to the inertia of legacy IT. The transformation and modernisation of systems and infrastructure is therefore both urgent and critical.

Successful modernisation will bring reduced costs and risks, but its implementation has its own inherent costs and risks too – the more inflexible, complex, and senescent the IT, the more difficult its transformation is.

Icon Solutions helps our banking customers to navigate these straits, using our proven experience designing and implementing technology initiatives and strategies. We bring together stakeholders from the business and IT in a collaborative approach, which enables the safe and pragmatic transformation to a leaner, more agile IT landscape.

How can Icon work with you?

Creating a long-term IT strategy that delivers the needs of the business, but is also practical and achievable, is a serious challenge - particularly when it is restricted and burdened by intransigent infrastructure.

At Icon Solutions, we help our customers evolve their legacy platforms to support dynamic services fit for the modern banking landscape, by developing strategies to support pragmatic, continual transformation, instead of unending fire-fighting or disruptive “big bang” approaches.

We can expertly advise on architecture and technology transformation using our deep knowledge of banking systems, along with extensive practical experience of modern technical architectures and IT operating models. We understand technology and its utilisation to a great degree, but we are agnostic (and therefore completely transparent) regarding software vendors and technology providers: we can evaluate technology candidacy on a case-by-case basis to provide genuinely unbiased opinions.

We typically work with clients in one of two ways, the former often evolving into the latter:

Technology Strategy & Roadmap

Develop a strategic vision - addressing both internal and external drivers - together with a set of prioritised recommendations and an outline roadmap, showing how best to achieve the vision whilst delivering value along the way.

Architecture Delivery

Steer and augment transformation execution, leading or supporting architecture and design activities, ensuring solutions meet functional and non-functional requirements as well as aligning with the strategic vision.

Would you like to find out how Icon can assist you on your technology strategy journey?


Migrating to an agile integration platform

Icon Solutions developed a target architecture to encompass the strategic elements of cloud-based platforms and containerization.


Accelerating an enterprise-wide integration transformation programme

Icon provided a target state architecture and staged a roadmap to guide the evolution of an integration landscape.


Digital transformation to support business banking

Discover how Icon initiated a digital transformation programme to replace a Tier 1 global bank’s online and mobile applications for its Commercial Banking customers from the UK and Hong Kong.