Faster Payments Enhancements

The UK's real-time payments infrastructure

Will you be ready for enhanced real-time payments in the UK?

Icon is ideally positioned to work with banks to ensure readiness for significant upgrades to the UK’s real-time payments systems over the next 1-3 years. Firstly, there is a programme of enhancements to the existing Faster Payments systems, following publication of HMT’s National Payments Vision. And beyond that, work led by will assess future requirements for the UK’s retail payments infrastructure, looking beyond these Faster Payments upgrades.

Faster Payments enhancements aligned to the National Payments Vision

As a result of the HMT’s National Payments Vision, together with 2023’s Future of Payments Review report, the UK’s NPA programme is no longer happening.

In its place, Pay.UK is leading a programme of significant enhancements to the existing Faster Payments System that will be developed and delivered through 2025-27. These will likely include handling ISO 20022 format messages, enhanced options for connecting to FPS (including APIs), and a guaranteed instant payment type; together with ongoing focus on improvements to resilience, scalability and security.

Following on from these upgrades to Faster Payments, the National Payments Vision recommends assessing future requirements for developing the UK’s retail payments infrastructure beyond Faster Payments. Pay.UK will proceed with planning these future requirements during 2025-26, with significant implications for banks and non-bank payment providers for future delivery projects.

How Icon can support you on Faster Payments and ISO 20022

Icon has over 10 years’ experience in real-time payments systems and architecture. We work with our clients on:

  • designing a target architecture and roadmap for real-time payments, and interlocking with other programmes
  • assessing investment cost implications for Faster Payments enhancements across core systems and gateways, and product platforms and channels
  • planning the move to ISO 20022 data across payments systems end-to-end
  • designing new end-user payment products using enhanced scheme capabilities and leveraging our Payments Framework IPF
  • identifying opportunities for value-added services and differentiating capabilities, beyond core functionality

Would you like to find out how Icon can assist you on your instant payments journey in the UK with Faster Payments and beyond?


Supporting a UK challenger bank to transition towards an NPA-compliant payments architecture


Icon Solutions has published its 2023-24 Annual Report, demonstrating how new strategic partnerships, product and service innovations, and an ongoing commitment to its people and customers have provided a foundation for the next phase of global growth.

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