David Strawson
 Delivery Director

Connect with David

Why did you choose to join Icon?

I really liked their culture and attitude. I'd been entrenched in large corporates for decades so Icon were like a breath of fresh air to me. What really appealed was the sense that I could just be myself here.

What have been your key achievements at Icon?

Whilst immersing myself in my clients' businesses, I've built solid, long-lasting relationships which have served us all well in growing the business and delivering results.

What are the key achievements in your professional career?

I developed the Telephone Banking Payments Service and delivered the software behind the internet banking system for Lloyds Bank. I also ran the Y2K command centre at Lloyds and TSB to ensure that all their accounting systems were compliant and error-free for the new Millennium. I introduced ITIL incident and problem management to T-Mobile in addition to a leading-edge card payments solution. Together with the delivery of PCI-DSS compliance, T-Mobile became the first Tier 1 merchant in the UK to achieve this and went from one of the worst performing merchants in relation to fraud to one of the best within 9 months. I also worked as part of the joint venture team on the merger between Orange and T-Mobile to form EE. Finally for HSBC, I mobilised the most important programme in the bank globally - their Customer Due Diligence programme.

What is an interesting non-work related fact about you?

I had a brief speaking part in an advert for PUMA featuring Usain Bolt.

Connect with Darren

What are the key achievements in your professional career?

I helped define standards as an original Board member of The Payments Council and APACS Design Board for Faster Payments.

What is your favourite part about working at Icon?

Being able to identify, attract and reward the best talent in the industry.

What’s next for Icon?

Icon has a team of experts who have the knowledge and drive to change the way in which payments solutions are built – and to specifically challenge the huge solution providers. We are working to see that come to fruition.

What are your interests outside the office?

Amateur dramatics. Also I do have a little thing for classic cars.

Interested in working with us?

Email careers@iconsolutions.com and introduce yourself.